Friday, August 24, 2012


   As most of you know, every year I post football pigskin picks with Loretta. We've been on hiatus the last two years because the Pigskin Pickin' Machine in the basement (Loretta's Dungeon) was inadvertently damaged when Loretta took a steel bar to it. A shame, as the last year we made picks we had a winning percentage of about 72% and gleefully raked in about $3,300 for Christmas charities. And, having a generous benefactor who each year matches our winnings, we totaled $6,600 to dole out to dandy causes.
   Yesterday, Samuel L. Jackson came to our local university to give the team a per-season pep talk and play a round of golf. As luck would have it, Loretta was in the parking lot of the golf course (stealing hubcaps) when Mr. Jackson pulled up, Always wanting the help delinquents, as is his nature, Mr. Jackson promptly hired Loretta to caddy for him. I guess by the third round of tequilas he gave Loretta one of his patented pep talks because she returned home demanding we fix the Pigskin Pickin' Machine.
   So this morning we slapped the Machine back together, sorta, and fired her up. Zounds! We are back in business, partner!
   We will be blogging our picks each week (about 7-8 each time) and abusing our bookie once again. Last year he sent me a Christmas tiramisu as a "Thank you" for not wagering...SUCKER!